watch your back via NYT
100 abandoned houses by kevin bauman
two stories on toilet tissue: 1, 2
unfortunate names
26 February 2009
snuggie on the street
25 February 2009
17 February 2009
valentines, visitors + vito
for valentines day we ate deviled eggs. i made peter a card, just like the old days. that night i drank too much wine. then i ruined a giant batch of chocolate covered strawberries. per usual.
last sunday cousin ian and alex came for a visit. we ate at tortillarilla sinaloa and zellas and lexington market. we also climbed federal hill, saw the laure drogoul exhibit and made them squeeze into the backseat with our defective ikea file cabinet. next time i promise we won't go to see the flamingo in hampden or eat hockey puck-ish pancakes.
last thursday, in an effort to get out of the apartment, we planned to drink beers at the brewers art. unfortunately it was full of old dudes in sports coats. it reminds me too much of the clarkston union.. or a hotel bar. we tried to go to the wharf rat but it was under construction. so we went to the harbor way inn. it is close to home and was completely empty except for vito. we drank lithuanian beer and he told us lots of good stories about the fake dollar behind the bar and getting shot. i marveled at his handiwork and excellent collection of bric-a-brack.
friday i drove peter to work and went to drop off my broken sewing machine at the post office. then i picked out my bridesmaids dress for alicia's wedding. then i went to every thrift store in the severna park/pasadena area, then to a giant mall, then to aldi and more thrift stores. then i was pooped.saturday we went to attman's deli and ate our corned beef, brisket and pickles in the park. and drank cream soda. and dog-watched. after we went to lots of thrift stores and got shopped out. peter found good records. i found a mini steelmasters card catalog.
sunday we finally finished watching the last three episodes of the wire. now we get to start over with season 1.
i have been somewhat seriously considering going back to school.. that ended and now i'm somewhat seriously considering opening an etsy shop. except i don't have anything to sell.
more excellent news [from oh no they didn't]
12 February 2009
one in 8 million
this audio slideshow feature at NYT is beautiful and addictive.
in other news.. general motors is killing me slowly.i miss lady friends
p.s. i need a J-O-B.
it's our favorite store..
this was stolen from peter via boingboing
very reminiscent of mr rogers.. especially when the bell rings.
09 February 2009
08 February 2009
peter is playing fallout. SO..
it was 65ยบ today people. we took henry for a long walk. he walked slowly and pooed his heart out. we found a pink crack pipe in union square park.. saw a lady passed the fuck out on her stoop.. her mouth was wide open and everything. two older ladies sat just two stoops away, chatting. a little boy was playing hide-and-go-seek with himself. i asked him if he wanted to pet henry and immediately felt real creepy about it.
we finally bought some book/record shelves but they are still in the box. i need a long break from ikea.. i went to two different stores three times in two days. also bought some privacy curtains for the guest room/office, end tables, a desk-ish table, file cabinet, rugs + three tiny plants [in an attempt to re-create my now scattered houseplant collection]. AND i kind of finished painting. wooo.
friday we ate pizza and drank brewskis at zellas. also made friends with some neighbors. go us! saturday we ate lunch at big bad wolf and it was the yummiest. if you come visit us we'll take you there..
ahh nitrous oxide
stolen from here.
i recall having a long conversation with a miniature bart simpson as he flew in circles above my face. all this while the dentist was doing his thing. then i fell asleep. those were the days.
05 February 2009
i read on a random blog sometime over the past week that my beloved sparks was discontinued. after learning zima was gone forever i was saddened by not surprised. i did some research and wikipedia did not corroborate said blog, but they did give me this interesting tidbit:
Sparks also has a tendency to change the color of the tongue and teeth temporarily, after consumption of several of these beverages due to FD&C Yellow No.5. In some regions this discoloration is referred to as "Sparks Mouth". The drink caught on within the American hipster community, which has been known for its ironic glorification of several other cheap, low-grade alcoholic beverages.[1] As the can looks very similar to other, non-alcoholic energy drinks, some students may or may not have consumed them on school campuses without the faculty being aware.
ahhh how i miss my yellow-tongued sparks mouth. AND, does my taste for low grade alcoholic
beverages [i always thought drinking a 40 oz of king cobra brought out the thug in me] mean i
am being influenced by the "american hipster community".. ha!
so.. last monday i started painting the apartment after pulling out nails and staples and sanding for three days straight.
last tuesday it snowed an inch and they canceled school for TWO days. then another.
last wednesday peter turned 26. there was an ice storm the night before so he didn't leave for work until late. we took henry for a walk and saw a man dressed in a full snowsuit eat it. he managed to no spill his coffee though. i walked [very slowly] to safeway to buy provisions and made him a birthday dinner of ribs, cole slaw and birthday carrot cake. we ate it while i had chats with kelly. i froze the cake leftovers but there is only 1/4 left because i always want to eat it.
thursday and friday i painted some more.
saturday we went to a giant value village and international market in college park. that night we met tim + sherry in DC. the last time we saw them was christmas day, after a few vodka cranberries but apparently before my carlo rossi wine spill. i apologized for my sloppyness. we had dinner at sticky rice then drinks with some more ex-MI friends at the lonely hearts club. i forgot that socialising is fun.. it was nice to talk to someone besides petey and drink alcohol somewhere other than our couch.
sunday was warm and sunny so we walked downtown and around the harbor. i saw an ad for harbor street entertainer auditions. it is going to get sick in the summertime. we stopped at a bakery across from tortillarilla sinaloa to buy some jarritos, a cookie and a bag of tortas then went home to eat giant torta sandwiches.
monday it was warm again so , before painting, i went back downtown to cash my sweet tax return check from the UK. not only did i take advantage of nationalised health care and the extensive public transportation system while i was there, but they gave me a ton of money back for working. thank you HM revenue & customs. to celebrate i went shopping and bough a pencil skirt to wear to the job that i still don't have. go me. because of this check we decided it was OK to buy a tv and hopefully we'll be purchasing some shelves and a desk soon so i can unpack the last dozen boxes and i can use the sewing machine i got for christmas that has yet to come out of its box.
tuesday and yesterday i painted some more. and sanded and caulked. today i scraped old caulk off the counter with a razor blade for THREE hours.
tomorrow i am going shopping for house stuff and thrift all day while peter is at work. i told peter that we have to do two things this weekend: drink at a BAR and find a good diner. we are getting ready to have house guests.. woo!
we heard about this on npr. for some reason i often have a feeling i'm about to discover a body.. i used to mostly get that feeling when we were driving down the freeway just after the snow had melted. now i get that feeling when i walk henry and look down the alleys for stray cats.
sunday's episode of the office, stress relief, was so good i want to watch it again. stanley you will not die - barack is president - you are black stanley!
witness the history of the hair bow
the end.