making these and watching this while drinking these.
also listening to them.
i spent the day visiting garage sales with this guy:>
AND i need to add two cars to the list below:
mickey mouse club
25 September 2010
02 September 2010
theme/custom cars i have seen in baltimore
in chronological order:
klondike bar
michael jackson tribute
all-over chevy logo
crab chips
25 August 2010
09 April 2010
in the olden days of geocities i made a web site. it still exists and can never be deleted. here are some entries from the guestbook. enjoy.
Monday 08/13/2001 9:40:15pm
Name: Joe Bag of Doughnuts
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Your site blows big donkey*****. People like you dont even deserve to leave the house.
Friday 01/26/2001 11:30:45am
Name: Free J
Homepage Title: My music
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Riviera beach ,Fl
Comments: Amy you are soo fine! can I be your man?
Tuesday 02/22/2000 1:32:46pm
Name: Bobby
Homepage Title: elektronick
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: Michigan
Comments: Cool page! Nice pictures and stuff. Its neat to see web pages of people I know. Usually I only see web pages of people I don't know and they talk about places I don't know. I recognize the pictures of riverside though. They are nice. Keep up the good work don't forget to update the page often. Thats what makes a web page good, when its updated often!
Monday 02/07/2000 5:27:23pm
Name: Your biggest fan
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: NewsGroups
Location: Texas
Comments: you are a stupid mother ******* *** ***. Why would you think that this is even relatively funny to anyone but you and your warped-brain friends. YOu need a healthy dose of sex and depressants. I am so sorry that you live in this thwarted reality. What a sad and pathetic existance. My advice?? Sell the scanner and get some good therapy. P.S> - please slash your face with a would be a lot more pleasant for the rest of us.
Wednesday 08/11/1999 6:15:41am
Name: Nann Ho
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: miami
Comments: gull, you know nann, that surf the web like me. got mo' suggestions than me, give all ya money to a homie-g. that's right, give all your money to one specific guy. you'll have fun doing that.
Friday 07/30/1999 7:49:18pm
Name: Penis Williams
E-Mail: don't have one
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: My house
Comments: Hello, i love you're page like so very much. It is like so very cool, and i want to come back. Whose Gay-mie, i do not understand that. I am tired now, going to sleep. Have a nice time in Oregon, i will miss you sweet cake. Give me a call when you get back. 1-810-882-7003. Good Bye for now, i will miss you sweet cake. my toe hurts.
Penis Williams
Friday 05/21/1999 10:49:37pm
Name: Tony
Homepage Title: I don't have a site
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: California
Comments: The quotes are funny! Is money cash emily hoyt refering to that song money cash hoes? If it is you can tell Emily to call me.
Saturday 05/15/1999 4:07:27pm
Name: Unda-wear Gnome
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: Underwearland...where all underwear is tested and produced!
Comments: Hey everybody...this is the Unda-wear Gnome herself out from hibernation to remind y'all to enter the "GIVE AMY A NEW SN" contest!!! The winner gets the best prize of all... a special gift just from me So go ahead and enter today before the contest ends and someone else wins the prize...Here's my entry now : Aims2plees
Thursday 04/29/1999 4:04:47am
Name: Tao-Chaing Siu a.k.a. Masterbagger
Homepage Title: Wait till June 2...
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Aiight aiight aiight, I juss wanted to say PEACE TO MY PLAYAS AND PLAYETTES: TiCalvin Stallion a.k.a Dr. Charpe, Gay-Mie, Ali, Chali 2na a.k.a. Corny Lookin' White Boy, J'Sonn, The Bowling Alley Girl/Puff Daddy, Cracker Jackson, El Presidente, Ash, Sam Jackson, Sammy Broohahahahaha, Bid-I Wish-Ish, Yuji, La Femme, Miguel/Butch, J-J-J-Jake, the 3rd Hour Gym Class, Don Pla, Chester, Chocolate, Jice, Shigeru Miyamoto, Zack de la Rocha, Matt Groening, And KRS-One...he runs ish like diarreah...peace out!!!! RAH RAH RAH
Wednesday 04/28/1999 1:46:06am
Name: kalven
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i would just like give mad shout-outs to alicia, kelly, chuckles, brandon, jason, i wish, rachel and skippy, and to that one boy at teen nite at the skating rink and everyone else i done forgot. I would also like to say "i love you" to amy, because she is my one and only:)
Monday 04/12/1999 10:51:35pm
Name: Tae-Tae
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: YO YO YO YO YO! Sup UNDA WEAR GNOME! IT"S COMING.. well actually it passed but that's okay.. the unda wear gnome b-day! I jez wanted to let her know that I want my shout out on the next new letter! also this is tha place if you all didn't know, where you can contact tha unda wear gnome to get your bums on or give shout outs! Shout out back to DEEBO, Kailey, and all you otha coo peeps out there! and A shout out to GAYSON JANDERSON! heh! actually, i was jez playin, it's Jason.. and he's an alright dude. Sorry for making fun of you Jason.. but for real you need to get out of those westside Detroit chats! Uh.. Also a shout out to all the legal drug thugz out there! heh! j/k Kelly, Alicia, Amy, BOB, you all are great! Peace out yo's!!!From, TAE- TAE (tha original!)
Monday 03/01/1999 8:36:11pm
Name: Amy
Homepage Title: AKA Show Home Page, and Amy's Page-O-Fun Stuff!
Homepage URL:
Referred By: From a Friend
Location: MI
Comments: Hi.. if you are reading this, you need to sign my guest book!!! And don't comment on my spelling style, i can spell however i want, and i don't want to hear about it. if you have any comments or new quotes, emai me! Thanks
just look at me go.
02 April 2010
so. it's good friday. my alma mater is in the final four! i'm finally officially employed.. cheap beers and virytos at lithualina hall. and john waters. really?
30 March 2010
we left thursday post work for MI, via pittsburgh, where we ate pramanti brothers sandwiches and spent the night. friday morning we drove through OH and into detroit, past the rouge river industrial plan and into dearborn and the neatest little brick houses. the first stop was at rachel and tristans for some garlicky middle eastern lunch and lots of baby snuggling. i got to experience the art of eating with one hand while holding tiny tay-tay. it was the bestest.
06 March 2010
16 February 2010
last weekend there was a snow storm.. then another tuesday. so i worked two and half days out of five and spent a lot of time at home. a lot a lot. we went for walks around the market and spent one too many nights drinking at zellas with our neighbor friends.
thursday things were mostly back to normal except we fell asleep during 30rock for the second week in a row. i think that means we're old.
friday at work was a warp zone. no one knew what day it was and i was a zombie.
saturday we thought everything was back to normal, snowpocalypse-wise, but it wasn't. i tried to drive through hamden and had a nervous breakdown because there was nowhere for my car to go due to the god forsaken snow. after that we went to target where i got my zen back and we bought some stuff we probably don't need. thank you target. that night we watched harry potter and the chamber of secrets on tv. i don't even know why. peter doesn't particularly like harry potter and i hate movies on tv.
sunday peter went in to work and i shopped annapolis goodwills. i was mostly un-impressed but found a pair of cobalt blue madewell corduroys. driving around i noticed everyone had cars full of giant mylar valentines ballons. it made me happy. then i braved marshalls where the women were aggressive and their children possessed.. at trader joes everyone was buying roses and i felt like a grumpy old maid. later we drank cava and that helped.
wednesday morning we caught a story on WYPR about the new-ish free circulator bus that runs right down our street. this snippet says it all: IT ALL SEEMS VERY EUROPEAN, IF YOU ASK JACK DUJARDIN, A ONE-DAY VISITOR FROM BRUSSELS, WHO RODE THE ENTIRE ORANGE LINE WITH HIS WIFE:
now i've got to look at some of these dogs.
"You know I saw a nice city of new buildings; beautiful sightseeing. Then we saw an old part of the city, which is a bit, I would say poor, between brackets, huh? So, it's interesting to see both sides in one hour."