we left thursday post work for MI, via pittsburgh, where we ate pramanti brothers sandwiches and spent the night. friday morning we drove through OH and into detroit, past the rouge river industrial plan and into dearborn and the neatest little brick houses. the first stop was at rachel and tristans for some garlicky middle eastern lunch and lots of baby snuggling. i got to experience the art of eating with one hand while holding tiny tay-tay. it was the bestest.
on the way to clarkston we stopped at my mom's office to catch up and play with teddy bear, the pom-poo. he's getting all gray around the ears and brown around the nose. we got him to sit nice in an arm chair so i could get his portrait. later that night we headed out to see friends in hamtramck. we toured their new loft then went for drinks at the bar across the street named whiskey in a jar. there was pabst on tap and a pool table and lots of locals. colorful ones. after we went to a party near the old train station in town. google maps told us the party was in an opticians office. when we got there, we were greeted by two large dudes with serious easter european accents. they asked us what we were here for and if we were all together. then we were told to line up single file.. then if we were carrying any weapons. really. THEN they started the pat-downs. i wanted to take a photo. when it was my turn i held out my purse and told the guy my pants were way too tight to hold anything besides my large rear. he let me go.
when we got upstairs it was just some sloppy guy's apartment. said guy was sitting at his desk behind the hip hop group detroit city as they performed. he was tall and white and kindof looked like scruffy from scooby doo. occasionally he would light a tiny pipe. among other things scattered about, there was: a makeshift display for and samples of the anti-energy drink "sippin syrup," two guys sat on a couch passed out with their hoodies up, a nitrous tank and some normal seeming people like myself. we watched detroit city then some group i can't remember then some guy called mc doc waffles. he performed in a fur-lined robe.
saturday we had a garage sale. it was exhausting. we managed sell all the giant old furniture and found peter's old rock and coin collections. and a giant storage container of legos. and dungeons and dragons cards. then we said goodbye to the house. it was a rough day.
sunday we drove home in the rain. i was cranky. we ate sheetz. we went to bed. after work monday we drove up to york PA to meet cousian ian and alex for dinner. we celebrated a mini seder and ate spicy thai and drank blackberry manischewitz. but just a little bit. we missed mayer hawthorn but arrived just in time for passion pit. i haven't been to a show on a college campus since i was a student and man did i feel old. i kept trying to imagine seeing myself at the show. all i could think is that i would have been way more drunk than these kids. sad, right. during the encore things got nuts and the stage was all of the sudden full of students. i thought to myself, now that's more like it.
after the show we sat and had chats. we saw mayer walk by in his post-show casual wear and pick up some boxes of merch. the passion pit boys looked so little and innocent and smelled like gym class. we left to buy groceries at wegmans and i got all cranky because it was past my bedtime. the end.