08 January 2008

i've arrived

today marks day two in manchester. it is better than i could have imagined. our apartment is beauteous. you can get french fries, pizza, a kebab or a curry almost anywhere you go and it is not lansing. that is the best part.

my first day in town was spent snuggling my husband, eating a giant plate of curry, purchasing a uk cell phone, stepping in many puddles and falling alseep on the couch with a glass of wine.

today i made an appointment with a recruitment firm, registered for my NHS number, went grocery shopping at iceland [they had "ice lollies" ha], found some unimpressive charity shops and bought lots of goodies at the fruit and veggie market. the rest of the afternoon was spent watching petey do maths and catching up on my blogs.

here are some things i've come to realize in the last 48 hours:
shower curtains are not overrated
petey has very good taste
i don't like airplanes
bell peppers aren't so bad
i am deathly afraid of our balcony
most english people speak to me slowly

we are currently experiencing gale force winds. tomorrow we may see snow.

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