09 June 2008


allergies are attacking my face. i am counting down the days until my supposed two-month-long temp position finally terminates. i don't know what has happened to me, but i loath the idea of working another day. i have a very pleasant job but still manage to go through peter withdrawal daily. all i want to do is wear pajamas. i missed my morning cereal because it took 35minutes to pick out an outfit.. even though i was up at 5 a.m. cursing the sun for rising at 4:45 a.m.

friday we drank wine, watched more peep show and ate éclairs. saturday we were still in bed at 4 p.m. later we took the bus to longsight carrying smelly homemade salsa. i talked to grad students about american politics [some more] and dissertations. i thanked myself for being an underachieving office temp. eventually i got into an argument, gave someone the finger at close range and demanded to eat a cheese burger. on the walk home a car full of college-aged guys slowed down as they approached us and yelled "hey gay boy" at peter. they then drove away giggling. it brightened my mood and was a fitting end to a poo-ie night.

sunday we went to b&q to buy a squeegee and light bulbs then spent the afternoon eating sandwiches and reading the paper in angel meadow park. i got moss in my hair and my first real tan line of the summer. peter was recovering from his late night kabob and i don't think he enjoyed the park quite as much as i did.

tomorrow i am going to birmingham for work. they expect me to get on the right train and find my way from the station to the office all alone. they do not know me very well. when i was still working in lansing i went to the thrift store during lunch for the wednesday book sale. an hour and 45 minutes later i had to call in and ask for directions because i was lost. i made a huge loop around lasing while attempting to take a shortcut through neighborhoods. and, unlike lansing and most of the states, there are zero straight roads here. they also change names every block and do not have corner street signs.

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