20 September 2008

i ♡ franz ferdinand and fridays.. falafels..

finally re-downloaded franz fernidand's first album. i listened to this album lots when petey and i first started dating. brings back lots o memories. mostly of making out and/or driving home [to east lansing.. shaw hall actually] after making out. it is all very nostalgic and romantic. so romantic that i just kicked a glass of rose off the coffee table and all over the carpet.

today we slept in, ate eggs and toast then walked up to
cheetham hill for the best green grocer/grocery store. ate some macaroons. found an excellent navy suit for petey's interview this friday. wish him luck. this would be excellent! then we went into town and got grumpy due to the large amount of slow walkers clogging market street. it is seriously ridiculous.

anyhow, we're enjoying our very fair-weather, rain-free weekend. it is a miracle.

p.s. i shared laurie's hummus recipe with a co-worker this week. he asked about tahini. i said it was sometimes used on falafels. he asked if falafels were jewish. i just stopped taking.

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