06 October 2008


last weekend was out second-to-last british weekend. we were supposed to go to the west coast on the train but the weather was awful. instead we stayed in town, ate cheeseburgers, toured salford and took photos of our favorite places for posterity.

today we ate this and that for the last time [maybe] and i bought five pairs of tights at primark. i figure now that we're moving home i don't have to worry that every 17-year old girl i pass will be wearing the same 8pound dress i have on.

and.. i found this list of brittans
top 100 most annoying things. it is good to know americans [#66] are not as annoying as constipation [13] or diarrhea [42]. phew.

at this moment we are in the midst of picking out what things we can do without for the next week so they can be shipped home ahead of time. because i this i need to recycle the million museum pamphlets and maps from vacation.. so i am going to attempt another long winded play-by-play...

oh, and my absentee ballot came on saturday so i have officially voted. thank goodness.

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