28 December 2008

adios 0-8

lots has happened in 2008. i am just glad i had petey to find me the remote and shred cheese. hopefully 0-9 will be most excellent!

right now our house looks as if we've been burgled.. we can't help but start a packing spree then get distracted by something less stress inducing. just seven more days until the movers come to take it all away..

while peter was away in israel i spent most of my downtime shoveling the godforsaken snow, arranging furniture in my head and eating taco bell while driving. i also worked for moms and made some money. this past week we've been sorting, cleaning and assembling/filling boxes. it has been lame.

also been..
watching the spartans kick some golden grizzly ass
eating bbq meats at slows
daydreaming about how excellent it would be to live here
feeling confused but happy i did not find a this
listening to montel imitate barack in this commercial
watching the lions make history

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