15 April 2009


i've been feeling very antsy this week. it has been six months since i've been employed [minus three or so days i was a temp in my mom's office]. to be honest it feels more like three months. hopefully sometime very soon i'll look back and wish i had all the free time i have now. i have kept somewhat busy hemming thrift store dresses and vacuuming. and baking. and job hunting. things i won't do so much when i've got a job.

i made this lemon bread/cake today. it is yummy even though i used half whole wheat flour. trying to keep it healthy. ha. we have been planning and failing to run for about a month now. in the good old days [2003/04] we used to jog together on the weekend and even ran some road races. now we hit snooze a lot and get pudgy.

last weekend PCF#1 and joe visited from NY. it was lots of fun times.. joe made me really miss my lady friends. we took them to zella's, as per usual, and tried out the diner brekky at sip and bite. the hash browns were excellent. unfortunately e
ric ate scrapple. he didn't know what it was so the waitress brought out a giant brick of it. should have just left it a mystey. it tasted like mushy meat.. kind of what i imagine wet dog food would be. after we took a walking/driving tour of some baltimore highlights and ate at nak won for the third time in about four weeks. at night we played games and drank college style. can't wait to visit CA/NY.

this weekend the weather forecast is beauteous and i'm making peter go to the topiary gardens. and as many garage sales as he can stand.

- the guy who picks the lotto numbers on tv is a bro-dad. he makes me crack up. and his name is stash.

- this blog, bags in trees, is peter's favorite thing to mention to visitors, or anyone, really.
- haha.. detroit + iverson = fail
- i really love this blog. it really makes me wish i was a better writer.. and storyteller.. and baker

now i must watch the office

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