09 September 2009

boston, baseball + the beach

two fridays ago we went to boston to visit dave and get out of town for once. we got stuck in the airport for 3+ hours due to the kennedy funeral and ate dinner twice. the next day it rained and we started drinking around 3 in the afternoon, pre- sam adams brewery tour. later we found the best brazilian cheese puff mix and bought five bags, then i ate chewy corned beef reuben, we watched a hott mom play pool and then andy did some jump kicks. sunday we ate a buttery breakfast and walked thought little itlay and got some sun then flew home. i sat next to the same nice lady on both the way out and way home. weird huh.

last weekend we had house guests and accomplished a lot of baltimore-ish things that we had planned on doing then got too lazy to. saw the orioles at camden yards, went to the beach [!] and ate crabs. and saw a magic show. it was a quality weekend.

life is going just fine. i need to get in touch with friends and stop picking up drug paraphernalia from the street and remember to lock the door when i walk the dog. the only thing that i've been consistently doing lately is listening to martin topley bird, drawing patterns on grid paper and drinking fruit smoothies.

1. nap time / 2. this is written on a vacant house down the street. in blood! [probably not] / 3. i sewed up a vintage dress / 4. goody bags for the block party / 5. i only took two photos in boston. both of them look like this / 6. i tried to take a photo of max but he head butted me / 7. take II / 8. baseball game day drinking / 9. vito's bar and philosophical discussions about cat morris code / 10. this guy owns illusions magic bar. he is sweeeet / 11. mixies at the beach, c/o emili / 12. crabs before / 13. crabs after / 14. RIP pink mocs

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