13 November 2007

ladybugs attack

i have gotten in to the habit of watching movies in bed when i should be sleeping. this used to be filled with reading books while i should be sleeping.. i guess this is a sign i am getting stupider. i began by renting movies at blockbuster to occupy my time when i moved in to my first apartment in reo town. i have since grown too cheap to pay their rental fees and have found an excellent [free!] source for bad [and good] movies online.

when choosing a movie i aim for something that will not challenge my intellect or cause nightmares. this obviously narrows down the pool. last night's movie was in the land of women, starring meg ryan and adam brody. surprisingly, the movie had a few honest moments of greatness focused around a nagging past relationship. although i appreciated this surprise, it turned out to be fuel for me to imagine that my peter hadn't married me and moved out of the county for school, but that he had dumped me and still gets in touch to chat and keep old wounds fresh, as exes do so well. i should have just gone to bed.

today was a not too terrible of a day. i wore my recently thrifted yellow shift dress to work, compete with black tights, black flats and my black trench. during lunch, i took a walk around the block to the post office [to send off some recently sold ebay auctions]. as i walked down walnut, i looked down to see my dress had ridden up to almost waist high. fortunately i was the only person to notice this. unfortunately, a few minutes later [when my dress was actually covering my tush] a young man loudly and repeatedly yelled "jesus!" as i walked by.. apparently my trench made it apprear i was dressed as a no-pants flasher.

in other news, my apartment is being overrun by killer orange ladybugs. i have killed eight so far using junk mail to whack them and then suck them up with the vacuum. alice is not enjoying my undertaking.

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