20 November 2007

pet sitting

henry made a visit to FAITH this afternoon. i went home at noon to get him and we took a leisurely stroll back downtown.
during this walk i was [or henry was, really] on the receiving end of many smiles and hellos. many more hellos than i've ever received during a walk downtown in the past. what makes people think they can butt in to my quiet time just because i am in the company of an adorable westie? i'm sure i do the same, but i was not amused by the extra attention, especially when a doggy bowl movement was involved. even the hobo-types got in on the action..

after our walk we spent quality time with my co-workers. they also greated us with smiles, awwws and baby talk. it was a fun time for all.

having henry here has led to some notable changes in my daily routine. first, i am waking up a good 20 minutes earlier than usual. this extra time allows me to take poopsie for painfully slow walks around the block so he can pee wherever and as much as he pleases. next, i take a lunch break [and we walk and pee some more]. lastly, i see my alice much less. that calls for a sad face :(

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