31 March 2009

last weekend

friday we took our first official long-wandering walk in baltimore. we talked about our dream house and watched henry pee all over town. then we ate fajitas and i had chats with rachie. alice climbed our ladder to nowhere.. i realised out apartment is one big cat-style hamster funhouse. [that fragment of a sentence may only make sense to me]

saturday we did lots of goodwill rummaging. peter made a friend while digging through the record bins.. he would hold up a record and ask "have you heard of this." if peter said no he would sing a song from the artist. he was cool. then we ate cheese steaks.

sunday we took another long walk out to have a giant meaty colombian lunch. on the way we saw lots of blooms and some bro strolling around town with a gigantor snake wrapped around his neck. then we got stuck in a downpour. when we got home i admired my first tan of the season and realised my eyes point in slightly different directions.. and one is shaped like a triangle. i am special.

tomorrow i am going to start painting the bathroom.

here is some news:

+ brits love the wire. brits also love opening airplane doors. 1 and 2
+ thank you NYT for writing an article about detroit in the travel section.

+ MSU will play in the ncaa final four. last time this happened it was 2003 and we watched the game at lou & harry's. then the entire town of east lansing was tear gassed.. then peter tried to beat up a fox news anchor.. then johana and i got maced. and so did our taco bell. college rules.

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