04 June 2009

cava crazy-talk

so how is it june already?

i have this weird thing where i don't like to miss out on any social gatherings. i also used to hate missing school for the same reason. i like to think that if i'm not there, nothing is going to happen.. but just in case, i'll always be there. i blame that quirk for not keeping in touch with friends. i'm hopeful things will just pick up where they left off when we eventually reunite. so i'm sorry - to the three friends that read this - for not writing letters like i said i would. don't worry, you didn't miss much.

lets continue this philosophical binge.. being married is great. if you're in you're drunk in your underpants and don't want to take the dog out you have a backup. same if you need a straw to drink your wine while lying on the couch.. there are other, non-alcohol related benefits as well.. they can feed the cat after she wakes you up by nudging your face with her paw in the night. it is just real handy.

- people have been cooperating so nice lately. even if that if that is not a real sentence, it is true. thank you friends for your cooperation and bartering of talents. it is like we are real grown ups.
- i got these elf-toe shoes today, only minus the elastic strap and in navy. they were $3 at goodwill. i wore them to the grocery store
- can't wait to see the hangover w. andy from the office. i like that mike tyson has a cameo
- i like to find baltimore and detroit related statistics
- we'll be back in the mitten in 20 days!

this post was brought to you by refreshing and delicious spanish cava

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