21 June 2009

i've been working a lot for no money and it has been keeping me on the Internets but away from blogging. my google reader has also been neglected. we leave for MI in 2.5 days for 4 day of wedding festivities and family dinners and [hopefully] outside drinking. we don't get to do much outside drinking here.

last weekend we went to honfest and saw lots of hot pants and big hairdos. and a band named garage sale that i enjoyed very much. we also found charm city cakes and i took a photo.

last week i found out i'll be working at goodwill for a while longer. and that's fine.. i don't mind a three block commute on foot, but i do miss drinking coffee in a cubicle and sitting instead of standing all day. ahhhh jobs.

here are some photos..

wild strawberries in little lithuanian park
charm city cakes stalking
butt walking at honfest
this takeaway was in the movie pecker
i made father's day cards for my two dads
this is what crack viles look like
petey and henry and umri siki

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